* Stone chips
* Vandalism and poor washing techniques
* Shoes damaging sills and doors
* Dogs entering and exiting the vehicle
* Scratches and swirl marks
* Bird lime and bug etching
* Sun damage and bleaching
* Shopping trollies in parking lots
Premium Shield Elite Self Healing PPF (lifetime warranty / 195 microns thick)
Partial Front End install - Seamless fit ie wrapped install with seams tucked in where panels allow. Includes partial bonnet and fenders, wing mirrors, front bumper and headlights
From $1899
Front End install - Seamless fit ie wrapped install with seams tucked in where panels allow. Includes bonnet, fenders, wing mirrors, front bumper and headlights
From $2299
Full Car install - Seamless fit ie wrapped install with seams tucked in where panels allow. Includes front bumper, bonnet, fenders, headlights, doors, pillars, wing mirrors, sill, quarters panels, boot and rear bumper (if applicable)
From $5799
Additional Options:
PPF headlights - $220
PPF tinted headlights - $250
PPF door edges - $180 front two doors / $320 all four doors
PPF splash guards - from $220
PPF door jam scuff protectors (x4 doors) - $260
PPF door cups - $80 front two doors / $140 all four doors
PPF screen protectors - from $65
To book your PPF Package in, please enquire with Aaron on: